Lantern Fest 2017: Light the Sky, or Your Clothes…Whatever Comes First

We went to the lantern fest when it came to town this weekend.  It is amazing what a difference the weather can make!  Last year’s experience was so magical and tranquil and simply AMAZING.  This year the lanterns got a little out of control due to humidity and wind. People were ducking for cover!  Dylan shouted out at one point, “We’re about to go extinct like the dinosaurs!”  It was pretty frightful and nerve-racking at moments.  As much as I said, “Smile for the camera,” I think I got one photo that caught the horror on Abby’s face.  Ha!  We all have been laughing about it for days!  Two COMPLETELY different experiences!  On a sweet note, though, Abigail told me, on her own, before we got there that she wanted to write a note to Grandma on her lantern.  It was so touching because we got to watch her lantern lift off into the night sky, which so many other lanterns weren’t able to do that night.  She told me, “I hope Grandma sees it!”