Mom, Stop. You’re Embarrassing Yourself.

This past Saturday the boys had their last basketball games of the season, and, boy, were they nail-biters!  Both the boys scored points for their teams.  Dylan’s coach told him that he was the top scorer at the end of their game.  Dylan zigged and zagged to get around his opponents.  He has become a very good ball handler.  Cody’s favorite moments from his game were definitely at the end.  They were down by 2 points.  There was a little over a minute left in the game.  The other team had the ball down at their side of the court, when one of Cody’s other teammates got in a bit of a scuffle over the ball.  Cody began running backwards toward half-court, in case his teammate was successful in stealing the ball.  Somehow, the boys lost control of the ball, and it went flying into the air.  Cody, still running backwards, caught it and threw it down court to his teammate who was now nearing their basket.  He catches it and makes the basket, tying up the game.  The excitement was building.  At this point, I was pretty excited and cheering, which led Dylan to start laughing and say to me, “Mom, stop.  You’re embarrassing yourself!”  Anyways, with, literally, ONE SECOND left on the clock, Cody’s teammate shoots the ball from about the free throw line and makes it, giving them yet another victory for their season!  We were blessed with the most amazing coaches this year and great boys on both teams.  We were not ready to see it end.  Good times!