Seeing You Smile Makes Me Smile

Our Valentine’s Day started off with sweet notes and gifts.  Shawn got a good laugh at my card for him (Photo below).  Some of Dylan and Abby’s friends saw Shawn come to pick them up one evening from Awanas.  He had just gotten off work and was in his suit jacket.  One of the kids gasped and said, “Your dad is Mr. Handsome!”  Then another one said, “He is like a handsome knight!”  My friend joked the other morning when she dropped her son off with us, “Here, sit by Mr. Handsome!”  That’s just what we call him now, and I think he loves it!  Cody put together a sweet scavenger hunt for Dylan and Abigail the morning of Valentine’s Day.  They were convinced that Elliot the elf came back and put this together for them, but Cody revealed his identity in the last clue.  He had formed his personalized M&Ms (with his name on each one, a gift from Aunt Kelli and Uncle Wade) into the shape of a heart.  Such a sweet, creative gesture of love for his youngest siblings.  We made an amazing heart pizookie, and Cody and Anna spent the evening with friends stuffing over eight thousand Easter eggs for their youth pastor.  Cody’s friend Isabel baked Cody a brownie and handed him a sweet card for Valentine’s Day.  What a thoughtful and brave thing for her to do and what a fun way to end the evening!