Hoods Required

While in Farmington for Anna’s gymnastics, we stopped at a petting zoo on our way home.  The kids were adamant that they wear their hoods while in the birdhouse.  You never know what might land on your head in there!  The birds loved our shoes, for some reason, and one even nibbled Shawn’s ear, which is funny because birds always seem to nibble his ear and nobody else’s!  At one point, Dylan had to put himself in a pen of isolation (see photo) after spending some time in the goat pen.  He became petrified of the goats.  He told me the next day it was because of their horizontal pupils in their eyes, pretty scary-looking!  Anna had us laughing ’til we were in stitches that evening as she reenacted the one large bird that randomly screamed loud, murderous-sounding screams at us!  Anna also did a pretty good impression of the hideous sounding noise the one antelope was making in his throat.  He sounded as if he was belching up his dinner, so gross!  We found some big family fun in this small town.  Thanks, Farmington.