Booth Falls

We went on the most gorgeous, strenuous hike we have ever gone on as a family while in Colorado.  We hiked Booth Falls in White River National Forest.  There were 2 distinct spots while on that trail that I absolutely LOVED!!  One spot was about halfway up, where we walked into a setting that looked and felt like a scene out of the Sound of Music in the Alps.  The second spot was definitely the reward at the top of the trail.  That was well worth the effort of getting there!  There we found a beautiful waterfall and an amazing, scenic overlook.  Shawn called me over to look out over a rock near the very edge, and, at first glance, I gasped because it was so amazing.  Then I commented to Shawn that that is the true definition of breathtaking because it truly took my breath away for a moment!  So awe-struck over God’s creation!  I had to laugh about a week after we got home, though.  We took so many rest and water breaks while on this hike.  It felt steep the whole way.  I have a photo of Anna resting on a log and a photo of Abigail collapsed on a rock, filthy and adamant she couldn’t take one more step!  Shawn told us it was rated a moderate hike, and I find us to be a pretty healthy and active family, so I questioned why the kids needed so many breaks.  However, after being home, I began to compare a trail my friend told me about versus the trail at Booth Falls, and, apparently, Shawn was mistaken when he told us our trail was rated moderate.  It was, in fact, rated difficult, and that explains so much!!  I am so glad, though, that Shawn got his information wrong, or we would have missed out on the best hike of all!  We took some photos of the amazing views and would look down at our camera and say, “No, that didn’t capture it!”  Some beauty just can’t be fully captured with the lens of a camera.  Some things are just meant to be taken in with the human eye and felt with the senses.  Such a wonderful experience!