Pike’s Peak

We made it to the top of Pike’s Peak.  What a pretty drive!  I asked Shawn toward the beginning of the drive if we should stop and get gas.  He said we were fine, but, as we neared the top, he realized the incline had made his gas gauge look fuller than it was.  The line was actually on the E!  Shawn said he has never been more nervous about needing gas than he was on the drive back down, but we made it!  Dylan pointed out a small memorial stone at the top of Pike’s Peak.  It reminded me of the downcast ladies who checked into scuba diving with Cody and Shawn.  They had bought the scuba ticket for their father, but he passed away before he could use it.  They were going in his honor.  It also reminded me of the flowers on the side of the river where we went whitewater rafting.  I asked our guide about it, and he told me it was in honor of a girl who passed away from an accident during her whitewater rafting training to be a river guide.  Life is precious.  Cherish each day, and love each other well.