Royal Gorge Bridge

Okay, two thoughts on the Royal Gorge Bridge…One, it’s a bit pricey just to walk across a bridge. And the second takeaway, there are two older male employees there who are crazy ridiculous about the bighorn sheep on the property.  The first older man may have actually been a park ranger.  He hurled insults at the crowd of people when the bighorn sheep came near the children’s play area.  The people never approached the animals; everyone stayed at a good distance, and the sheep were content eating the grass, but the man insulted the people by saying they had no common sense by staying nearby and watching them.  He let everyone know these animals could charge and attack at any moment.  Maybe Royal Gorge Park should enclose a fence around their children’s area if safety really is an issue here. I don’t know.  Then as we were leaving the park, we had to walk by a restaurant on the property.  There was a group of people standing nearby a rock a short distance from the restaurant.  A couple older teenagers even walked across the rock.  This caused an older male employee from the restaurant to come out and tell the people to get away from the rock.  The reason he stated was that the bighorn sheep would smell their scent and not come back.  Seriously?  Well, we came, and we saw, and we left with a bit of a poor impression of the place.