Creepy Cabin in the Woods

We went on one last hike before leaving Colorado.  Abigail stopped to pick me wildflowers throughout our whole hike, and we found some sweet birds who seemed to be trying to communicate with us through tweets and by hopping around our feet.  It seemed they were hoping we would drop some sweet morsels for them.  It felt like we were in a scene from Cinderella or Snow White and talking with the animals!  Of course, Shawn had to give them some of our trail mix from his backpack! There were some pretty stops along the trail for sure, but the alternate route we took back down left us feeling a bit uneasy.  First of all, we discovered a little log cabin at the top which takes well over an hour to hike to.  It appeared as if someone was living there, with a brand new ax sitting at the entryway.  It felt a bit eerie.  Like I said, we took an alternate route back down, one traveled by vehicles, in hopes we could get back to our car faster and go for a swim back at the condo before bedtime.  Now I am no police officer, nor do I pretend to be very street smart, but I am fairly certain there were some drug dealings and drop offs going on while we were there.  We ran across and had brief conversation with some young men in a pickup truck who seemed a bit sketchy (or “scratchy” as Dylan accidentally referred to them as, ha!).  We also had two trucks pull up and abruptly stop beside us.  Two young male drivers jumped out of each vehicle and ran into the woods, all this while leaving their vehicles running and the one’s car door wide open.  We also found a suspicious package while we were on our hike and ran across other suspicious activities while there.  We joked as we hurried back to our car that the man in the creepy cabin was probably watching us.  There was a lot of beauty to be found on this trail for sure, but this was definitely the most eerie hike we have ever gone on!