Looking in the Rearview Mirror

I admire this man so much.  This month he ran into some challenges.  He has been frequently in my prayers.  One day I watched and observed, waiting to see him unravel a little bit.  I mean he’s human, right.  He remained calm and steady.  Then a week ago he let me know that he wanted to prepare me for the worst possible scenario.  He let me know he would never compromise his beliefs and his walk with God even if it cost him.  I prayed for him as we sat in church that Sunday.  Then I watched as he came out on the other side of it, better than before.  I received a phone call from him several days ago letting me know he was actually receiving an unexpected blessing from it all.  I was baffled.  Just stunned, after a month of  roller coasters.  I told the kids that I admire their dad so much to which they just laughed as they assume this is just a given.  But I am so grateful that his walk matches his talk, that he stands up for what is right, God’s truths, and doesn’t compromise, that he leads us so well.  But, most of all, I boast in God.  Sometimes it is not until you look in the rearview mirror that you see that God’s hand was in this whole situation.  He was at work all along.  I am completely and utterly amazed by Him!

Love ending our nights like this, a little bit of worship and singing on the guitars…”Who am I that the highest King would welcome me?  I was lost, but He brought me in, oh, His love for me.  Who the Son sets free, oh, is free indeed.  I’m a child of God, yes, I am.”