Oops, my bad!

These jeans grazed the floor just 3 weeks ago when we bought them.  I know because I checked the receipt.  Three weeks!  Cody had a pretty significant growth spurt in that short time.  We went shopping yesterday for new clothes for him.  As we were leaving the department store, I said to Cody, “Hmm, now where did we park?”  We arrived at the store after coming from a funeral for Cody’s friend’s father (He died at the young age of 48.)  We were pretty distracted talking about his friend when we arrived.  Cody pointed to our car, and said, “Oh, look, there it is!”  I commented, “Hmm, I don’t remember parking that close.”  Cody told me later that he was thinking to himself, “Yeah, I don’t remember that either, but, well, there it is…”  He shrugged it off, and we got in the car.  As I began to put my keys in the ignition, I noticed a squeaky toy in the cup holder.  That’s when I realized we made a big mistake.  I shouted to Cody, “Get out!  We’re in somebody else’s car!”  The doors flew open, and we exited, laughing so hard at ourselves!  And now I am curious as to how many people leave their car doors unlocked??!  A lot of trusting people.