Volleyball Banquet

These sweet girls fretted for days over what they were going to wear to their volleyball banquet.  Even the night before there were texts back and forth to each other making sure no one was going to feel that they were dressed oddly.  One mom told me her daughter panicked the night before when she found out she would be the only one wearing a jumpsuit.  They crammed in a last minute shopping trip as a result.  Even Anna had my whole bed covered in clothes trying to find the “perfect” outfit that made her feel confident.  Can you tell this is middle school??  Ha!  The boots she had previously bought began to bring out the awkward feeling that she looked too much like a woman in them because they had a heel.  She told me, “I just want to feel like a young girl.”  She decided to ditch the outfit she had originally planned and went with Shawn’s and my advice to wear one of my dresses that I had bought at the end of last year.  When we arrived all the girls looked so beautiful.  One of the girls told Anna that she was the best dressed of all of them.  Shawn got a chuckle out of hearing that because he really encouraged Anna to wear that dress and insisted that that was THE dress and boots to wear when Anna was stressing over it 3 days before the event!  He was confident he knew what he was talking about and that she didn’t need to fuss so much over her appearance.  I guess taking fashion advice from your dad isn’t so bad after all, even if she won’t admit it!  Forget the dresses.  These girls are all about the sweatshirts, leggings, and ponytails!

1 Peter 3:3-4 “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment….Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”