Cover to Cover

“When there is a fight between your heart and your head, experience has taught me that the best thing you can do is pick up your Bible and remind yourself of what God says.”  Around two years ago I wanted to read through the Bible with Cody and Anna.  They had questions about things, and I wanted them to know the true character of God.  I wanted them to know what Scripture said when they heard a pastor, a family member, a college professor saying or living differently than what the Bible, than what God, teaches.  People will fail you; never hold them up on a pedestal.  Always, always go back to what God says.  Shawn’s schedule, my schedule, and Cody, and Anna’s schedule was different many nights, so in order to devote time to actually talk through what we read together made for a longer process of getting through the Bible cover to cover.  It could almost seem discouraging at first because you always hear of the Bible studies that have you reading through the Bible in a year.  I didn’t want to just throw in the towel because of a predetermined time frame.  Then one day in church our pastor said that he gets questioned a lot on how much Scripture and how long one should read their Bible each day.  He said he always tells them however much will get you in the Word.  It could be an hour.  It could be ten minutes.  It could be two verses.  But get in it, and let God speak to you.  A couple nights ago, we finished our reading through the whole Bible with Cody and Anna.  We had great discussions, and I couldn’t think of a better way to finish out 2018.  Continually seeking and desiring to know Him better in 2019.  “Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.”