Les Miserables
Shawn bought us tickets to see Les Miserables at the Fox Theater this month. We laughed over dinner about how different it is getting ready for a date as a married couple with a family versus dating before marriage. I recalled to him the minutes leading up to him arriving home from work to take me out. Cody came into my bathroom as I was getting ready to leave and told me gently that Scamper had pooed on the floor. He reassured me by stating the positive that it was on the wood floor as opposed to the carpet. I didn’t see how that was possible because I had just taken Scamper out about 45 minutes earlier, and Dylan and Anna just got back from walking him. He hasn’t had an accident since his early puppy days, but Cody reminded me that he did get a hold of a tiny smidge of chocolate that the girls had left out. Perhaps that was the cause. Either way, I asked Cody if he wouldn’t mind cleaning it up because Dad had just called and told me to be ready to leave as soon as he got home. Cody went to take care of the situation, but, a moment later, I hear Cody calling up to me, “Mom, come quickly! Hurry! Scamper’s eating the poo!!” What on earth?!! I hurried down there, and as I quickly assessed the situation I discovered that Scamper actually had a leaf that must have hitchhiked inside, not poo in his mouth. Cody was fooled, and leaves apparently look a lot like poo! Ha! Cody and I laughed so hard at the amusing ordeal, in a state of panic over an untruth! Now there’s a sermon topic right there! Just keeping things real over here.