Prank Boxes
I love that they make prank gift boxes now. We found an ear wax candle making kit box to wrap Cody’s white elephant gift in which made for great presentation and laughs. It totally fooled Cody’s friend Ethan. The real white elephant gift was a super large gummy bear which to me is totally gross, but Cody always thought it would be fun if he was ever gifted one. So, it all came together really quickly and fun, and no one would ever have known Cody totally forgot about the white elephant exchange until last minute. We pulled it off, and I reminded myself that I too did that to my mom a time or two when I was a kid, mainly the morning of my 4th grade Thanksgiving feast when I remembered, “Oh, yeah, Mom, today our class is having a Thanksgiving feast at lunch, and I am assigned to bring in a feast for one other student and myself.” Surprise! Now I know, just slightly, how my mom must have felt. By the way, she pulled it off amazingly, and I was always so grateful to her for that.