You’re Kind of a Big Dill

We have affectionately called Dylan “Dill Pickle” for as long as I can remember, so when Shawn found a birthday card that said, “Kind of a big dill” he knew he had to get it!  We celebrated Dylan turning double digits by going out to eat to Red Robin and watching the new Lego movie that just came out in theaters.  I recently found a really sweet composition that Cody wrote about Dylan for English class.  Cody could choose to write about anyone.  He chose to write about Saturday mornings with his brother.  Shawn wasn’t sure if the viewpoints expressed in the composition were embellished for grading purposes, ha! (although it wasn’t for a grade), but Cody said, “No, I really do think it’s really sweet when I come out of my bedroom and he wants to play.  Dylan, you bring so much laughter and joy into our lives.  Happy double digits!!