That was an Expensive Popsicle

We spent last night in the emergency room.  Abigail has had a fever all week, some alarmingly high, and ibuprofen and acetaminophen hardly touch it.  We have been dressing her lightly, putting a cool cloth on her head, giving her cool baths, and rotating the medicines every 3 hours, but when her temperature kept hovering around 104.5 it concerned me.  On top of that, her throat became painfully sore and hoarse, and she began having trouble breathing when I got her to the top of the stairs.  I got her calmed down and her breathing back to normal, but Shawn and I were both concerned about her going to bed and something happening while we were sleeping (Keep in mind Anna once had a febrile seizure.)  I called the after-hours nurses, and they immediately said to come in.  It turns out it is just a virus, and the doctor said she wasn’t really concerned about how high her temperature gets as long as all signs and symptoms point toward a virus.  She said only children age 5 and under are at risk for febrile seizures.  Well, that goes against everything I have ever heard or read about high temps!  We got home a little before 2 in the morning.  The nurse gave Abby a popsicle before we left, and when we got into the car Shawn said, “Well, that was one very expensive popsicle!”  Thanking God that her fever is down today!