
Easter Sunday we watched the movie Breakthrough at the movie theater.  We have been anxiously waiting to see this movie on the big screen.  This happened in our own town 4 years ago.  It is about a 14 year old boy (Cody’s age) who broke through the ice at a nearby lake while playing on the ice with friends.  He fell through and was without a pulse for over an hour.  The whole rescue process was a complete miracle in itself, with one of the rescuers hearing a voice telling him where to look.  Some friends of ours had children who went to school with this boy, so we got regular updates.  It wasn’t until his mother arrived at the hospital and began crying out to the Holy Spirit over her son to save him that he instantaneously received a pulse.  The movie portrays all of the emotions so well.  I remember putting the kids to bed that night, and we sat there praying for this boy.  In fact, the whole community seemed to be in prayer.  It was such a powerful, amazing modern day resurrection.  Cody has begun journaling areas in his life where he has seen God move, and I love that I was able to watch this powerful movie with him.  I said when we left there that I don’t think we will watch another movie this year that could possibly top this one!  Cody enjoyed the quote by one of the doctors in the medical records that was written on the screen at the end of the movie.  It went something like this, “Patient dead, mother prayed,  patient came back to life.”  Happy Easter!  God is alive and very much present in our lives!