Quick Witted Humor

Shawn always says that Dylan is quick witted.  He’s got a great sense of humor and is speedy with comebacks.  We went on a walk the other evening and stumbled upon about 4 or 5 bunnies with their mama nursing. (This is the second time in the past year that we have found nursing bunnies…just crazy!)  Anyways, Abby realized this a second too late and approached them quickly, scaring all the baby bunnies away.  They all scattered, running for bushes and nearby flowering plants for safety.  The mama bunny sat there alone, and Dylan commented that they were now a torn family, and the mama would never see her babies again.  I said to him (also to reassure Abby who scared them away), “No, it looked like the bunnies all knew where to run.  They probably have a nest in those plants.  And look, the mama bunny doesn’t seem too concerned.  See, she is just sitting there nibbling on grass.”  Dylan set me straight and said, “She’s STRESS eating because Abby scared them all and separated her family!”  Well, there’s also that option!

I took the kids to Taco Bell when Shawn was out of town because Shawn doesn’t like eating there.  After the meal, Dylan complained that he thought he ate too much.  He looked very uncomfortable.  A moment later, amidst all of our talking, we hear Dylan moan, “Oh, no, the baby’s coming!”  A second later, “And if we wait much longer that won’t be the only thing coming!”

We were out on an evening walk again the other night.  Cody and I were walking in front talking.  Dylan and Abby were walking right behind us.  Cody and I hear loud commotion and fits of hysterical laughter.  We turn around just in time to see Abby with her arm around Dylan, and they are both on the ground, falling into the grass alongside the boulevard.  What in the world?!!  Apparently, they decided to crouch low and duck walk, but Abby lost her balance, pulling Dylan down, and they tipped themselves over.  Dylan said that the people in the car driving past saw the whole thing and were laughing at them!  Dylan, through laughter, huffs and says, “Abby is an embarrassment to our family!”

We were discussing the zoo one day, and Abigail said she no longer likes the zoo because “the animals are captured.”  Dylan in a matter-of-fact way responds, “No, they’re retired!”  He was very serious, so I asked him what they were retired from, and he told me straight-faced, “From having to catch food.”  Of course!