Mr. YouTuber

While at Cocoa Beach there was a man in his mid to late twenties who kept us entertained.  Shawn nicknamed him Mr. YouTuber.  He would run in short bursts across the beach making the goofiest expressions all while his mother video taped him.  Then he made his mother video tape him for the longest time trying to do a handstand.  For at least 15 minutes, his mother tried to create the perfect footprint in the sand, even standing on her foot to create it.  She was still working on perfecting it as we packed up and left. It seemed this was clearly intended for a larger audience,  thus, earning the guy his nickname.  The girls were feeling comedic that evening and reenacted this guy’s behavior.  And since they were already in a comedic mood, they thought it would be funny to do an impression of Shawn and me walking on the beach holding hands.  Little do they know, the joke is on them because I snapped a really sweet photo of them out of it!