Paddle Boarding With Sharks

Shawn took the kids out paddle boarding one afternoon.  While out on the water they saw a school of fish jumping out of the water.  Cody asked Shawn if he could go paddle over to them.  Shawn was hesitant and told him not to because he knew one of the reasons fish do that is because something bigger is chasing them.  Cody and Dylan made it back to shore on their paddle board first, and when Cody got on the beach a young girl around 19 years old ran over to him.  She told Cody she saw a shark swimming near him, and she told him to just be safe out there.  When we told Shawn about what the girl told Cody, he was skeptical the girl knew what she was talking about.  Did she perhaps see a dolphin like we had seen earlier that day?  The only thing that made him question whether she was correct was the school of fish behaving like they were being pursued.  Shawn and the kids went out a little while later, and as they were out on the water they saw a group of people on shore pointing toward the water in their direction.  Shawn told the kids, “Uh, we had better head back to the beach.  Everyone is pointing at something out here.”  Sure enough, Cody got back to the beach first, and a man pointed out a shark to him near where they had been paddle boarding!  Cody saw it with his own eyes!  Someone said they saw 3 sharks hanging around the area just the day before!  Anna later was playing near the beach and came up to us with her arm partly inside her shirt, claiming a shark attack!  She sat down on either Dylan or Abby’s boogie board, and when they tried to pull it out from under her she shouted, “Careful!  I’m HURT over here!”  She amuses herself!