Young Minds Bloom Inside This Room

The kids started their new school year this week.  This will be my 11th year homeschooling.  Usually I get excited right before the school year starts back up, but, honestly, this year I told Shawn that I wasn’t feeling the excitement.  When Cody started high school last year and an accredited program, the work load was definitely more taxing.  But then I received Cody’s honor roll certificate in the mail just a few short weeks ago and that gave me the excitement and zeal that I needed!!  Watching Cody’s pleased expression as he opened that felt so rewarding.  Cody is in 10th grade this year, Anna in 8th grade, Dylan in 5th grade, and Abby in 3rd grade.  I love hearing Dylan and Abby talk to each other about how much they love getting to homeschool!  I never want to take this privilege for granted.  Cody and some friends kicked the school year off with a pool party!