
Anna and I traveled to Quincy last week for Anna’s first volleyball tournament.  It was there that Anna mastered her overhand serve…we were both pretty excited about that!  My friend Holly sat with me the whole time as I was in charge of the official score book for the games.  She wanted to learn how to keep the books so that she could help during future games.  We laughed so hard as she fumbled through the learning process and as we watched our friend Heather struggling on the score board!  Holly became a bit frazzled over a couple overzealous women who came and sat down next to us that, by the end of the night, Holly had blurred vision from the massive headache she had gotten.  It was actually pretty humorous, and we laughed as we had to be her eyes for her, helping her walk, driving her, etc.  She was like our sweet and funny drunk friend!  We went back to the hotel, ordered my favorite childhood pizza (Cassano’s), and hung out in our room until midnight sharing stories and snacks.  The team looks good, and I think the girls are going to have an amazing season!