Love One Another

We were all gathered around talking and laughing the other night when Anna suddenly got a shocked look on her face.  She looked over at Shawn and said to him in disbelief, “Did you just call Mom by her actual name?”  She misunderstood him.  He never actually said my name, but she thought about it and explained, “I don’t think I have EVER heard you call Mom by her actual name!  It’s always Sweetie or Honey or some other name of affection.”  Wow, that kind of took me back and had me thinking the rest of the evening!  I am sure there are times when he calls me by my actual name, but it got me thinking about the way he does talk to me all day, every day…even the way he talks to the girls.  For our 13 year old daughter to be in shock and disbelief when she thinks she hears him say my name for the first time really says something about him and made me keenly aware just how closely kids are watching and listening.  Shawn loves us really well, and I feel incredibly lucky to have him.  I have heard it said before that the greatest gift a father can give his children is to love their mother.  I would take it even further, though, and say, “Mom and Dad, the greatest gift you can give your kids-Love one another.”  It truly does impact the whole home.  They are watching, and they notice.  Thank you, Shawn, for loving us so well.