Was It Worth It?

Okay, we heard so many people talking about this sunflower field near us, so we went to see it.  It was the worst sunflower field we had ever been to, honestly.  The flowers were sparse and droopy, and it did not help that there were extremely high levels of humidity that day.  In fact, when we pulled up to the field there was a man leaving with his family.  We watched him putting his baby’s stroller back into the trunk of his car, his body soaked with sweat.  Shawn got out of our car and joked with the other father, “Well, was it worth it?!”  The man just shook his head and said, “No.  No it wasn’t.”  Ha!  We did not stay long as the girls’ hair became wet with perspiration after just a few minutes.  We went in search of ice cream, and when we got home, a big storm rolled in.  And that right there was the BEST part of the day, listening to Dylan and Abby laughing as they played in the rain together!