I’m Not Eating The Cancer Ones

We had a good time celebrating Christmas in Arkansas with charades, competitive Taboo games where we got to see Chris’ competitive side (ha!), gifts, food, and gingerbread houses.  Cody found a warning on the gingerbread house kit that mentioned a particular ingredient possibly causing cancer, so we advised the kids not to eat the walls of the gingerbread house and to eat just the candy.  Apparently, it’s a little difficult for a preschooler to resist the temptation to eat what he is told not to eat, especially when it looks so enticing.  We would occasionally look over at Jay and see some of his walls missing little bite-sized chunks out of them.  Then Elaine would remind him not to eat the walls, and he would reply, “I’m not eating the cancer ones!”  I bet nobody else has ever heard those words while decorating their gingerbread houses!  Ha!