So Much Life Being Lived

The first week we were in Florida we visited a church that was recommended to us.  They announced that they, along with another church, were hosting a youth camp during spring break.  Shawn felt it was crucial for Cody, Anna, and Dylan to attend because he thought it would be the best way for them to meet and make friends with some of the kids in the area.  He was so incredibly right!  I was absolutely amazed at how God answered this huge prayer of mine moving here.  They instantly made close friendships and have been extremely active with them ever since.  In Missouri, due to covid, there were so many restrictions on activities and socializing at all, but in the first few weeks we had been here in Florida they were able to do so much with this new group of kids.  They participated in paddle boarding, paintballing, rock climbing, glow-in-the-dark dodgeball, skits, zorb ball, human foosball, axe throwing, canoeing, miniature golf, and beach hangouts.  Since then, they have gone ice skating, bowling, played a game of color wars on the beach, kayaked, been to a church prom, volunteered at a car wash, and so much more.  I am so incredibly amazed at how God has orchestrated all of this and how He has provided!!  I can not thank Him enough!

A couple funny stories….The first time the group of teenagers were over at our house, they played a game of hide and seek, inside and outside.  Cody caught one of the boys hiding out on our roof!  Yikes!  Cody advised him that that might not be the best idea to which he quickly agreed!  Another time Cody and Anna were over at the youth pastor’s house when Anna said she saw a body falling from the sky.  They went outside and found that the youth pastor’s son thought it would be fun to try jumping off the roof into the swimming pool.  Oh my goodness!  He, apparently,  got a stern talking to by his parents later.  And yet another time while out to eat together, one of the boys took a tiny toy figurine that one of the girls had and, “for fun,” swallowed it!  Such a crazy, fun bunch of teenagers but, honestly, so friendly and sweet!