First Missouri State Capitol

Shawn encouraged me to homeschool our children when we first started thinking about schools when Cody was young.  So when Abigail woke up with a huge rash all over her body and face, (the face being the key location which made the nurse want us to come in to the doctor’s office) Shawn offered to stay home and take Abigail to the doctor so that I could take our other three children to the field trip I had scheduled for that day.  I really do love how much Shawn supports and loves on our family, not just in schooling but in all areas.  We learned a lot about politics at the First State Capitol in downtown St. Charles and what things were like for the people during that time period.  Afterwards, we stopped at one of the shops to get icecream with friends.  Abby’s rash eventually cleared up, but my admiration for Shawn just grew.  So thankful for all his help.  We make a great team!