AJ’s Dolphin Cruise

The kids got to see some dolphins in their natural habitat on AJ’s dolphin cruise.  There were a lot of dolphins surfacing but not many doing jumps out of the water.  I’m not sure if that had to do with the high waves that day.  Anyways, the kids got all the free drinks they wanted while dancing to the fun music on the boat.  They also got invited to come up and drive the boat.  Abigail’s favorite memory from the cruise was when the man driving the boat passed out saltine crackers to everyone to feed the sea gulls.  Abigail had a sea gull poo on her arm, and that’s all she could talk about the next several days!  She thought it was so funny!  I have to admit it felt a little like a horror movie, at times, as the birds came swooping in, snatching the crackers from the kids’ hands.  It was so much fun, though, that we stopped by the store the next morning and went out on our beach to feed them again.