Valentine Party 2016

I love how my children get so excited over their Valentines.  They get up early (bedhead and all) to begin writing them out to their friends.  Anna received, for the third year in a row, a box of chocolates and flowers from the same secret admirer.  She doesn’t know who it is, but I do.  His mom said to me this year, “If this ever gets creepy, the older they get, just tell me, Teri, to make it stop!”  Ha, what she doesn’t know is on our car ride home Anna says to me, “This is just creepy!”  Anna hasn’t just caught the eye of this young boy.  I had a father tell me that he and his wife were talking about arranged marriages and what that would be like if it were a part of our culture.  They both agreed Anna would be their pick for any of their 6 boys.  I had another friend ask me Anna’s age.  She is the same age as my friend’s son.  My friend let me know she has dibs on Anna for her son some day.  Keep that sweet spirit, Anna.  “It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful.  No, your beauty should come from inside you – the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.  That beauty will never disappear.  And it is worth very much to God.”  1 Peter 3:3-4