More Than a Fairytale

“I’ve been looking for you since I heard my first fairytale.”

Yesterday was father’s Day and Shawn’s birthday.  I watched him wake up early to care for the preschoolers at our church.  I watched as he sat with 2 and 3 year olds and watercolor painted coffee filter flowers with them as they learned that God is the Creator of this magnificent world.  I watched him carefully cutting out leaves and petals, building train tracks.  I watched him wrestle the little boys who think it is so fun for Mr. Shawn to flip them upside down in mid-air.  I watched the quiet, tenderhearted girls climb up into his lap during the Big God story because they find comfort and security with him.  I watched him serve that morning, as I do every Sunday morning, and I know just how very lucky we are. I can’t say enough about him as a dad. He is truly one of the must humble of dads. He is truly one of the most patient of dads. He is truly one of the most selfless of dads. He is truly one of the most serving of dads. He is truly one of the most Christ-like of dads. He has never “babysat”our kids or sat on the sidelines of parenthood, cheering me on and being a spectator. He is hands on and involved. He is a TRUE dad! The kids and I are SO grateful for him!