Rotten to the Core

We visited a new apple orchard with our good friends after church.  And even though we may have been snookered into paying the pricey apple fee before heading into the overgrown orchard, and despite our creative efforts to reach the apples at the top of the trees because there were no apples left any lower that were not spotty or rotten, and besides our sneaking into the restricted area where all the pretty, juicy apples were and getting caught, I would say I have never been to an apple orchard where I have laughed so hard.  I can still hear my friend Jen as she was sneakily crawling into the off-limit rows of luscious apples, “I am getting my ten dollars’ worth!”  After reading reviews on the place and the unwelcoming owners, we should have known better than to go to this local spot, but you live and learn.  It was a comedic adventure, for sure!