Time Marches On

Celebrated Cody and Abigail’s birthdays over the weekend.  This past year Cody grew taller than me, a goal he has been hoping to reach for awhile now.  Abigail didn’t make a wish on her candle this year.  Her big birthday wish from the past years came true when we got Scamper.  Abigail was so excited about her unicorn pinata.  Funny story…We had tied the pinata to the tree at our favorite spot down by the pond.   We had forgotten to bring bags to put the candy in, but one of the kids soon remembered that we had a bag in the car, parked at the top of the small hill, that we could use.  Dylan asked to get it, and Shawn gave him permission.  He came back shortly asking for the keys which Shawn gave to him.  Dylan asked again in an excited, skeptical voice if he really could go, to which Shawn confirmed that it was indeed fine.  Well, after waiting awhile for Dylan to come back, Cody went to the car to check on him.  He came back shocked telling us that Dylan must have misunderstood and went home!  That was kind of a big deal because Dylan has never walked home by himself, so who knows if he knows what village to turn into, and we were just assuming that that was what had actually happened.  In the back of our minds, we, of course, questioned whether he was safe.  Anyways, Dylan must have run all the way because Shawn and Cody didn’t catch up to him until they reached our front door.  So thankful he was safe!  Anyways, Dylan felt silly because he saw Anna smiling about it all.  I think it was that inner rage/embarrassment that caused him to send candy flying on his first time up to bat!  He quickly saw the humor in it all and was able to laugh about it!  Happy birthday, Cody and Abigail!