Dive with the Sharks

Shawn and Cody got to scuba dive at the Denver aquarium while on vacation earlier this month.  One of the tanks they dived in was the shark tank.  Their instructor found 2 shark teeth on the ground while they were diving and gave them to Cody.  He was thrilled!  The spectators seemed to enjoy watching the scuba divers, at times more than the fish.  One mother had her little boy pose at the glass for a photo with Shawn, and after Shawn’s and Cody’s first dive, they got to hide behind a rock in the tank as we watched the mermaids put on a show for the children.  So fun!

*Be sure to look closely, and you can see Shawn and Cody and the other scuba divers kneeling below as the sharks swim over them in the 2 photos.