Paddleboarding and Doggy Rescue

We wanted to try out a paddle board for the first time.  I assumed everyone might be a little wobbly at first and fall a few times, but everyone managed to stay on, and the only one to get wet was Shawn.  However, his wet clothes, though, were completely unrelated to the paddle board.  He thought it would be fun to take Scamper with us in a canoe.  Scamper was towards the back of the canoe with Shawn.  Everything was calm and peaceful when, all of a sudden, the canoe began rocking sharply.  I hear a splash and turn around and find Shawn in the lake holding a very wet dog above his head.  Apparently, Scamper jumped in, making no splash at all, and was struggling to figure out the doggy paddle.  Shawn said Scamper’s head kept going under the water as Scamper struggled to make it back to the canoe.  Shawn, without hesitation or warning, urgently jumped in after him.  His response was so quick that he didn’t even think to take his flip flops off beforehand which resulted in him losing one of the pair.  We laughed as we looked at this picture of Shawn in the water because we can see the flip flop floating.  It  disappeared to us later.  Shawn was such a good sport and was laughing the whole time while rescuing him!  Shawn even managed to get back in the canoe without dumping me.  He did an impressive leap and straddle onto the back of the canoe.  He slightly resembled an Olympic gymnast.  Impressive, I tell you!  You would think Scamper would have learned his lesson, but he contemplated another dive while toward the front of the canoe.  I grabbed him by the tail just in time.  Shawn laughed as he knowingly stated my thoughts, “Ain’t no way I’m jumping in after you!”  Ha! Thanks for the adventure, Scamper!