Boo-hoo Yahoo Back to School Breakfast

Some friends and I went out for the annual boo-hoo yahoo back to school breakfast.  Some schools in the area started a week earlier than the other school districts.  We moms are all in different seasons.  Some were sending their babies off to kindergarten and holding back the tears.  Some were anxious because their child has ADD or social struggles and worried how they were going to manage.  Some were worried because their child forgot their locker combination and their schedule for the day.  And others were looking at the day with excitement because they knew their child was ready, and they were ready themselves for those structured school days again.  A lot of us have known each other since Cody was in diapers.  We laugh about the worries we had when they were young compared to now.  Mostly, though, we are just thoroughly grateful to have each other to encourage one another, to lend a listening ear, to laugh at ourselves together, and to walk alongside each other through this journey.  This year the kids and I went out for donuts for our first day back at school.  Shawn surprised us and came along before his work day got started.  Dylan informed us that we all have stretchy powers for our super powers because I made the comment to Shawn that we were flexible (ha!) and did not need to hurry to leave the donut shop (since we homeschool).  Dylan joked that we could just stretch out our stretchy arms and reach our front door super fast!  He is the class clown in our bunch, for sure!    So, no first day jitters in our house!  It does seem crazy, though, that we now have a high schooler! Hello new school year.  Let’s make this year amazing!  P.S. Anna says these first day of school pictures are a lie as it was raining the first day, so these are actually second day school photos!