Bye, Bye, Braces!

Anna got her braces off before the start of the New Year.  Cody got his off in July.  They were each given a bag of candies and treats from the orthodontist office to celebrate.  These goodies were all off-limits for them to eat while they were wearing braces, but now they got to indulge in them!  Notice which child has the bigger smile.  Cody was so careful about following orders and would not eat anything that was on the list of forbidden foods.  Anna, on the other hand, pulled out each item and said, “I’ve already had that.  And I’ve eaten this.  Oh, yeah, and I had that over at one of my friends’ houses. Huh, I’ve eaten everything in here.”  Stark contrast between these two!  Congratulations to you both on being braces-free!!