What’s in Cupid’s Diaper?

Our school Valentine party was a lot of fun!  We did our own twist on the baby shower diaper game and made a Valentine version called “What’s in Cupid’s diaper.”  We thought it might gross out our preteens/teenagers, and we were right!  We went bowling after our party.  Anna and Cody both received Valentine gifts again this year.  Anna received a gorgeous arrangement of flowers and chocolates delivered to our door, again signed anonymously this year.  I asked Anna what she is going to do if the note is ever actually signed with the boy’s name.  I told her she should be prepared with a gentle and sweet response.  She demonstrated her response for me by showing me her best fainting performance!  Then Cody looked up a sleep dart online for her, which, surprisingly, can be purchased for quite cheap.  I think their plan was to shoot the boy with it.  Okay, so that’s not weird.  Clearly, she will go to any means to avoid an awkward conversation!!