Twilight Zone

My sister and her husband came for a visit last weekend.  They didn’t get to see Dylan and Abby’s basketball games since their games each got cancelled due to snow, but we did get to do some other fun things.  Kelli mentioned doing two things, shopping on Main Street and Sunday brunch at the Lemp mansion.  We made sure to do both.  While on Main Street we noticed everyone around us was intensely looking at their phones as they walked.  Kelli was the first to notice it.  It became a little eery as everywhere we looked everyone was hooked to their devices.  It looked like a scene out of the twilight zone or the Truman Show.  After this went on for quite awhile, Kelli stopped and asked someone.  Apparently, there are certain hours where there are Pokemon Go challenges downtown on certain Saturdays.  We just happened to walk in on one of those challenges.  I’m not sure what was more creepy, watching everyone in a zombie state on their phones or knowing just how many grown adults are out there playing Pokemon Go!  We ate brunch at the Lemp Mansion, a restaurant/inn famous for its historical significance and rumors of being haunted.  We got to tour it and also discovered a loose floorboard where guests who stayed at the inn hid letters telling about their experience there.  Later we did some more shopping and introduced Kelli and Wade to rolled ice cream and dragon’s breath.  Kelli didn’t follow the directions like Anna and I told her because she ended up freezing her tongue.  We specifically told her to shake the excess liquid nitrogen off, and she forgot after the first bite! It was a wonder if she could taste any of her dinner that night.  We spent the evenings playing cards and also had a spa night before bed. Blessed to get to spend the weekend together!