But We’re Not at War

There is a phrase I often say to Shawn.  It all started a few months ago.  We were sitting in the church service, and Pastor Bob shared a story about a couple of buddies who were in the military together.  They had come under very heavy artillery fire, and their troop was moving back and getting themselves out of there.  The one soldier noticed his friend had been shot, so, risking his own life, the one soldier/friend went running in after him.  He carried him out, but the man died shortly in his arms.  The soldier’s superior somewhat reprimanded him for running back in right then.  He asked, “What were you thinking?  Don’t you realize you could have easily been killed as well?”  The soldier responded, “Yes, but it was all worth it because when I got to him he looked up at me, and the first words out of his mouth were, ‘I knew you’d come back for me.'”  So I sat there in my seat with tears in my eyes because if there is one man in my life who I know my children and I can count on it is Shawn.  We have never had to question his loyalty.  He gives his ALL to our family, rushing in to help us, rushing in to make sure we’re safe, rushing in to encourage us.  I love him deeply.  So sometimes I refer to that story and say to him, “I know you’d come back for me.”  He always laughs and says, “We’re not at war.”  Ha, yes, but we are grateful to have such a man in our lives who loves us deeply and would do anything for us.  We never have to doubt his devotion to his family.  He loves us well.  Happy Father’s Day, Shawn!

By the way, we took Shawn out to one of his favorite steak restaurants to celebrate, and during lunch Dylan amused himself and all of us by retelling another one of Pastor Bob’s sayings that he shared in church that very morning, “Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers.  Choices you make today can burn your bottom tomorrow!”  Shawn said it’s like Dylan and the pastor have the same mind.  Dylan repeated this saying and giggled about it all day long!