Don’t Follow the Crowd

It was 63 degrees during Cody’s doubles tennis match.  The very next day it was below freezing and snowing!  Funny story…during Cody’s match it began raining, and the tornado sirens began going off.  I immediately called Anna at home to tell her to have Abby get out of the bath tub and get down to the basement.  As I was talking to Anna, everyone at the tennis courts began heading down to the basement.  I followed (I actually followed a woman down there, with Shawn right behind me.)  We all filed into a room, and Shawn immediately told me he was stepping out for a moment to hear when the sirens stopped.  I hung up the phone with Anna and began looking around.  Something didn’t feel right.  Every face I came in contact with was of male gender.  I did a quick assessment as I scanned the room…boy, boy,man, boy, man, man frantically pulling up his gym shorts…wait, whaaat?!?!  I realized I had just walked into the men’s locker room, and this poor man was pressed as tightly as he could to the lockers as he hurriedly/respectfully tried to get his clothes on before all 40 people (including 3 women) caught him in his underwear!  The man standing next to me was a friend from church.  I asked him where his wife was.  He told me she went to the ladies’ locker room.  I quietly excused myself.  Cody and I laughed about it later!  He told me when he got in the room the man was standing there in his underwear and was scrambling to find his clothes as we bombarded the room!  Ha, poor guy!  In my defense, there was a lot going on!  Crazy weather.