Vision for His Mission

Cody and Wesley were wrapping up tech in the elementary classes at church Sunday.  One of Cody’s best friends who towers over 6 feet tall was on stage hosting and finishing up worship with the kids.  I was so impressed with how naturally it came to him, and the kids just loved him.  It reminded me of the morning’s message in church.  When God gives you a vision for His mission, do not think you are somehow above it.  It takes everyone, and no job is too small or beneath you to do.  God remembered the man who was in charge of rebuilding the dung gate in Nehemiah 3…the dung gate!  And he was written in God’s word to be remembered for thousands of years.  Rocking babies, changing diapers, jobs that may seem thankless, God sees it and remembers it.  It also states in verse 5 of Nehemiah: “The next section (of the wall) was repaired by the men of Tekoa, but their nobles would not put their shoulders to the work under their supervisors.”  God saw them also and noted their pride.  The other day Anna made some truffles.  She and Abby decided to deliver some to a neighbor who has been having some hard times.  When Anna came back, she seemed a little disappointed.  She said, “It feels so awkward delivering to neighbors.”  We learned the next day of just how much it blessed and encouraged him.  He recently came over and asked  for prayer.  If God nudges you to do something, do it.  Watching these teenagers lead and minister to others blesses my heart so much!