I Turned 16 in Quarantine

We surprised Cody with a car for his 16th birthday!  He has always talked about wanting a Honda Accord, and Shawn found a really nice one at a dealership near his work.  Cody sometimes talks about how much fun he had when we went geocaching in the past, so Shawn put together a fun geocaching/scavenger hunt on a phone app for Cody to find his gifts hidden throughout our subdivision.  I included the screenshots from the app in the photos below with the clues Shawn put with each gift.  The first gift was a helmet and knee pads for his skateboard.  The second was a fun quarantine shirt that I thought Cody would really enjoy (which he did) to remember this bizarre time in history.  The third gift was an air freshener (for the car but he still had no clue what was coming).  The fourth was a car charger for his phone (I think he just assumed for our road trips.)  The fifth gift he discovered was a key (At this point he starts to clue in and can’t stop smiling.)  The last gift, of course, was the car, hidden in the school parking lot.  Cody was completely shocked and speechless, and I have never seen him react to another gift quite like this one.  Shawn handed him a card with a puppy riding a skateboard.  On the inside of the card it said, “Every man should have a great set of wheels on his big day.”  Cody loved it, and I was so happy we were able to do this for him.  Happy 16th, Cody!