My Snow Bunnies

This morning I told the kids we were taking a snow day.  School was cancelled!  I was declared the best mom EVER and smothered in kisses, repeatedly!  The kids played outside for hours, and Shawn called and said he was coming home from work early to play out in it with us.  What a great man he is!  We built a snowman and snow bunny.  Shawn built a snow fort because Anna always reminisces about the last time he did that.  Anna and Cody went sledding with friends, and later Shawn and I were inside talking about what a nice day it had been.  Abby made sure to keep things real, though, and happily brought us her toy teacup and pretended to sip from it.  We saw that it had some water in it, so we baby-talked to her about her getting water from the bathroom sink.  She has never done that, so we sweetly asked her if there was a big mess of water in the bathroom (all while she sips).  Dylan stopped the baby-talk (while I was taking the cup from Abby) to inform us the water came from the TOILET!!  Happy snow day, everyone!

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