Rejoicing And A Little Worm

I am so thankful this evening!  I called this week to get the results of Cody’s bloodwork, and his levels are perfect!  His hemoglobin count was a 13.5 and his sedrate a 7!  We are rejoicing over God’s miracle in his life and also so grateful that he does not need to be on a gluten-free diet.  I think this calls for some sprinkled donuts to celebrate! 
We had two days of warm weather this week. We try to take advantage of it when we can because we never know if it won’t be until spring when we see it again. Since Dylan still had a really bad cough, I pulled Abby and him in the wagon, as Cody and Anna went on a bike ride. There were storms in the forecast for that afternoon, and on our way home from our bike ride/walk we were racing it as the winds picked up and we got a few light sprinkles on us. The kids laughed about the worm we found when we got home. Cody picked it up, put it in his hand, and said that it looked like it was about to “poop.” He set it down, of course. Anna told me that she told him, “Oh, I don’t care about that!” She picked it up, and, sure enough, it did exactly like Cody said…in her hand. She looked at me and said, “And then I did care!” They giggled and giggled over this!

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