Martial Arts Party and Awards

This weekend Cody had his martial arts Christmas party and award celebration.  There was difficulty in reserving the two rooms needed for the party during December, so his martial arts class celebrated Christmas in January when both the rooms became available.  The food and fellowship with friends the first hour was fun.  Then we headed to the auditorium for the award celebration.  Cody was nominated by his instructors for Most Improved Technique and for Best Kiap.  But the two that touched my heart the most were when his instructors nominated him for Most Humble and for Best Attitude.  Out of the many boys in his group from all the day and evening classes there were only six nominated for Best Attitude, and Cody was one of those six.  Wow!  I am just in awe!  I think about how far Cody has come since his younger years.  He was so strong-willed and so hard on himself.  I prayed so many prayers over him.  I prayed for joy and contentment.  His heart is so tender, and I get a lot of remarks from people about his sweetness and his ability and confidence to talk with them.  I am just touched that when his instructors were picking children for Best Attitude that Cody came to their minds.  That pleases my heart, and I am so grateful to God for how He has shaped Cody’s life.  Cody shows me constantly how he is growing up, and I am so proud of him!
 Below is a photo of Miss Anna.  She had the biggest impact on Cody when he first began martial arts.  She is one of the sweetest instructors and took Cody under her wings the first several weeks.  She meant a lot to Cody.  In fact, we saw her at the dentist one day, and Cody sat on her lap in the waiting room until her name was called!
And here is Ms. LaDonna.  She is one of the instructors and is part of our CCC homeschool group and gave a field trip to martial arts when Cody was maybe in first grade.  Cody never stopped talking about it, and now here we are!


And the lovely Ms. Hadley below is also one of Cody’s instructors.  She was born with only one arm.  And I love how I watched Cody approach her in the gym the first month or two he was there to have her help tie his belt for him.  He looked at her no differently than anyone else!  And she tied it for him!


One of Cody’s best friends there is Jenna.  They have fun together.  Cody told me tonight that she once told him she had a crush on him!  So funny!  I imagine there will be many more crushes!


Below is Emma.  She is full of energy and gets so thrilled to see Cody when he gets to martial arts each day.  She is a good friend but exhausts Cody somewhat with her silliness.  He told me the other day after she kept falling down to be silly during their one-step practice (they were paired up together) that she thinks she is funny, but to others…not so much.  Ha!  She is a sweet girl, though.
The boys! (Noble, Cody, and Cody)
And below is Master Prinkey.  He is in charge, and Cody says he is his favorite instructor.  He teaches them respect.  It is always, “Yes, Sir. No, Sir.”  He encourages and helps build confidence in the kids.  I love that his website gives the plan of salvation and that he teaches the kids to follow God’s commandments.

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