Let’s Visit The Animals

Yesterday it was 65 degrees in January!  My friend Kristen asked Angie and me if our kids would like to join her kids at the zoo.  We did and had so much fun!  When I woke Anna up and told her we were going to skip school and go to the zoo, she could hardly believe it!  She was so surprised, and the boys were absolutely excited.  We got there right as the zoo was opening and planned on going to the children’s section of the zoo the first hour since it is all free during that time.  However, an older woman who worked at the zoo railroad heard us talking and informed us the free hours would be an hour later that day.  We believed her, and as we approached the carousel an hour later Kristen says, “What if she was wrong?”  Oops!  She was wrong, and we were foolish to simply take this sweet, older grandmother’s word for it.  Ha!  We joked how we would never make it on the television show Amazing Race!  We got to see a baby elephant while there and walk through the sea lion tunnel. The kids brushed the goats, and got splashed by the smelly penguins.  We ate lunch there and made a whole day of it. Shawn asked Dylan that night what his favorite animals were that he saw, and Dylan told him about the deer hanging over a tree branch (It was a fake deer for display purposes) and also the T-Rex he claimed he saw!  He had his own little experience at the zoo it looks like!  Gotta love our fun, happy, imaginative Dilly-boy!

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