Rainy Days

The last month we had a lot of rainy days.  I found some fun ideas to do indoors, though, on those days we couldn’t get out.  The kids and I made a balloon tennis game out of craft sticks and plates.  Ideally, I would like to go to Lowe’s and get some free paint sticks for longer handles, but what we used worked great also.  Let me just say, this creates A LOT of squeals and giggles and bodies flying about the room!  Abigail was napping at the time, but I didn’t have the heart to end the game because of noise.  They were having way too much fun! 


 Another thing we did was look in our cupboards for marshmallows and made marshmallow sculptures.  This can easily give you an hour of entertainment.  So much imagination and creativity!And Tigger didn’t mind one bit when marshmallows fell (sometimes with help) on the floor!

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