Martial Arts Testing

Cody got tested yesterday for his yellow belt at Martial Arts. He has been anxiously awaiting this! His instructor set up a special time for him to come in and test since we were out of town when all the other students were tested. Cody knew all his forms and knew the 5 tenets of martial arts, so he passed.  But what Cody didn’t realize was Master Prinkey was going to have him break a board with his hand and another with his foot. Cody looked skeptical when Master Prinkey told him to hit it as hard as he could. Cody warned him that he “might bleed” to which Master Prinkey assured him he wouldn’t. Ha! I don’t blame Cody…I think I would be a little skeptical too. Cody broke the boards, and was reeling with pride afterwards. I got it all on video, and I may try to see if I can get it up on the blog sometime soon. Cody kept saying the rest of the morning, “Mom, I’ve NEVER broken a board before!” Master Prinkey let Cody keep the boards as a souvenir. Check out Cody’s smile!…

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