Summer Checklist

I have a little list in my head of things I want to do before summer vacation ends. Last night the kids stayed out until late catching fireflies with their neighborhood friends. That was one thing I can check off my mental checklist! The giggles from the kids and wonder over one of God’s simple (to Him at least) creations, well, there is nothing like it! Abigail had her first Cardinal’s slushy from Mobile last night as a treat for their baseball team scoring 6 points from Sunday’s game. She devoured it! The kids had been asking if they could go to Zachary’s Playground and play in their splash park. The temperatures were pretty nice this morning, so we headed out there right after breakfast. Abigail loved putting her toes and hands in the water. She is so fun to take places first thing in the morning. She plays so well then. Cody, Anna, and Dylan played “Sharks in the Water” and had the best time. Before we left they saw a boy from church and played tag with him for awhile. We are LOVING our summer break, and I have a feeling it is going to fly by fast!

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