Slumber Party and Laser Tag

Anna went to her first sleepover last night at her friend Lauren’s house. Shawn and I are good friends with her parents, so I knew that she was in good hands. We met at Chick-Fil-A for lunch after Vacation Bible School, and from there Anna left with Lauren for a night of fun memories. They played in the sprinkler, made candy necklaces, ate tacos, painted, and went to the library to pick out a movie for the night. They stayed up whispering and giggling until 11:00. Jennifer dropped Anna and Lauren off at VBS this morning, and when I saw Anna she told me Lauren wanted her to spend the night again tonight…I think they had a good time!

 Cody invited his good friend Colton over for pizza and ice cream sundaes last night while Anna was away.  Then we headed to Sports Fusion for some laser tag, dodgeball, miniature golf, and inflatables.  The boys had a blast and are already planning their next get-together.  It is so funny how much alike these boys are…like two peas in a pod!  I asked Cody as he was getting ready for bed last night what his favorite thing was that they played that night.  He said, “You’ll have to guess.  It starts with an E and ends with a G.”  I said, “Everything?”  He told me I was right, and then he said, “Do you want to know the best part of it, though?…Colton!”  I am so grateful that the kids have such sweet friends!

* I got the biggest kick out of Cody…He kept his tough face on for laser tag.  This boy meant business!  The staff there was great…A few of the college boys and girls who worked there went in and played with them as well as an older woman who worked there.  They were so fun and silly with the boys and totally let the boys defeat them!  Cody and Colton had no clue that they let them win. They were so proud of themselves!

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